Experiment 6.03 Computational NMR

PTCL Undergraduate Practical Course

1. Singlet spectrum

Free induction decay and spectrum of an NMR singlet

2. Doublet spectrum

Free induction decay and spectrum of an NMR doublet

3. Chemical shifts

Identification of compounds from chemical shifts and peak integrals

4. Multiplet patterns

Multiplet patterns arising from spin-spin coupling

5. Spin-spin coupling

Conformational analysis using spin-spin coupling constants

6. Chemical exchange

Rates of conformational equilibrium from linewidths

7. Spin lattice relaxation

Spin-lattice relaxation times by inversion recovery

8. Strong coupling

Spectra of strongly coupled spins

9. More multiplet patterns

Spectrum of a nucleus coupled to 3 spin-1/2 nuclei

Updated February 3, 2009.